The loss of a loved one is a profound event that can have a major impact on our lives. In addition to emotional processing, it can be difficult to detach from the physical presence of our loved one. Tangible memories, such as photographs, jewelry and urns, can play a big role in this.
The value of tangible memories
Physical mementos, such as an urn or memorial stone, offer bereaved families a place where they can honor and remember their loved one. Having a tangible memory can provide a sense of connection to the deceased, even if they are no longer physically present. An urn or memorial stone can also be a place where bereaved families can share their grief with others.
The importance of personal adaptation
An urn or memorial stone adapted to the wishes of the bereaved can give personal meaning to the memory of the deceased. Whether it’s a specific color, an image or personalized text, a tangible keepsake tailored to the wishes of the bereaved can provide comfort during the grieving period.
Abstraction in design
Abstraction in the design of urns and memorial stones can allow room for the next of kin’s own imagination and interpretation. This can be done, for example, by using symbols or by using specific colors. This can give an urn or memorial stone a unique meaning for the bereaved because they can see their own story in it.
Symbols and imagery
The use of symbols and imagery can play an important role in the design of tangible memories. Symbolism can be a universal language that people around the world understand, regardless of cultural backgrounds. For example, using a butterfly as a symbol of change process or a tree as a symbol of growth and immortality.
Instead of choosing standard designs, a unique combination of symbolism and imagery can give personal meaning to the memory of the deceased. It can also contribute to the process of processing by providing a visual representation of the emotions and feelings experienced.
Alternatives to tangible memories
There are also alternatives to tangible reminders, such as digital memorial sites or virtual tributes. While not physically present, these options can be a valuable way to honor and remember a loved one. The most important thing is to find a way that suits them and that they are comfortable with.
Tangible reminders, such as an urn or memorial stone, can play an important role in the grieving process. They offer bereaved families a place where they can honor and remember their loved one, and can provide comfort during the grieving period. It is important to realize that choosing a tangible memory is often a personal and emotional choice. And that it doesn’t necessarily have to be an end point, but a beginning of remembering a loved one.